on monday (25/8/8) i arrive in malaga, spain. from there, i'll catch the boat to morocco. i'm travelling by bicycle, with a fair share of hitchhiking thrown in.
there are no time constraints on this trip; it will end when it ends. initial, very loose plan is to bike through morocco, into mauritania and beyond. camping all the way.
i'll blog as and when i can. till the next time...
you dey craze
Hi Paul
Mark here. Just trying to figure out a way for Dad to post comments in response to yours. Ignore the to and fro so.
Glad to see that you arrived safely in Spain though. Look after yourself on the boat trip.
more figuring out. sorry. Just want for dad to be able to post a comment and know it's from you.
what did the deleted comment say? just found your blog spot now. stay safe pauli!
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